This group truly represents a group of believers from many walks and stages of life.  We are all united by a single-minded purpose to know God’s Word more intimately. You might say that Colossians 1:10 (…growing in the knowledge of God) gives a fairly effective description of our fellowship as we prayerfully make ready weekly to meet on Sunday mornings.


  • Category

    Life Groups

  • Lifestage

    Adults 65+

  • Type


  • When

    Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

  • Location

    200 West

  • Leader(s)

    Judy Mason

  • Contact


How can we help?
If you need help selecting a Life Group, please fill out the request form.

For information about Sunday morning Life Groups for preschoolers, kids, and students, please click one of the links below.
Preschool Sundays  •  Dawson Kids Sundays  •  DSM Sundays