
    3 oranges, juiced, strained

    1/2 cup caster sugar

    1 cinnamon stick

    1 tablespoon lemon thyme leaves

    1/4 rockmelon, deseeded

    800g piece watermelon, deseeded

    125g strawberries, washed, hulled, sliced

    150g blueberries, washed



Combine 1 cup orange juice, sugar and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 2 to 3 minutes or until sugar has dissolved.

Add cinnamon stick and bring to the boil. Increase heat to medium. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until syrup thickens.

Add thyme. Set aside to cool for 20 minutes.

Using a melon baller, cut balls from rockmelon and watermelon (if you don’t have a melon baller, cut into slices or small chunks). Combine in a large bowl with strawberries and blueberries.

Discard cinnamon stick. Pour cooled syrup over fruit. Serve.