MidWeek Bible Study
CO-ED: 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel and 6:00 p.m. in Social Hall - September 6 through November 29, Led by Dr. David Eldridge
Join us as we discover biblical truths that undo common misconceptions and sayings we may have accepted as truths. During the semester, Pastor David (and several other Dawson Ministry Staff members) will shed light on what the Bible actually teaches us. Some topics include:
- God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
- God Won't Put More On You Than You Can Bear
- When God Shuts A Door, He Opens A Window
- We Are All God's Children
- Christians Shouldn't Judge
- To Thine Own Self Be True
- Forgive And Forget
- Everything Happens For A Reason
- Time Heals All Wounds
- Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin
For more information, please contact Jan Kennamer Hart at 205-871-7324 or jkennamerhart@dawsonchurch.org.