On Thursday, April 4, Dawson will host a performance of The Prisoner’s Friend, a play about the life of John Howard.  Howard is often called the “father of prison reform,” and his influence was so great that Samford University was originally named for him (Howard College), some 50 years after his death.  No one ever took the command to “remember those in prison” (Heb. 13:3) more seriously than John Howard. 

Urban Cookhouse will be catering dinner in Fellowship Hall at 6:00.  You need to make reservations at the church office if you would like to come to dinner ($10 per person).  There is no cost for the play, and you don’t need tickets.  All you need to do is to show up at the chapel at 7:00.  

Karon Bowdre, federal judge and Dawson member, will be speaking on prison reform and prison ministry here in Alabama before the play, and the performance will follow. Dawson members who have been active in Kairos, an international prison ministry, will be available after the performance for those interested in learning more about this vital work.

For dinner reservations please sign up at the Church Office front desk or call 205.871.7324.