December 8, 2024
He Gave His Only Son
John 3:16

This week, Pastor David continued a special series for Advent. In the message, he explained:

  • The Nature of God's Love: "He Gave"
  • The Depth of God's Love: "His Only Son"


  • At the center of John 3:16 is a God who has set His affection on His creation. God loves you and defines His love for you not just in words but in His activity for us in Jesus. How have you experienced this truth from God’s Word?

  • God is by nature a giver: “He gave.” The word “gave” in the original language of the New Testament conveys a sacrificial gift. He gave from the heart of His eternal relationship with His Son. In what ways does the very nature of God’s love amaze you?

  • Pastor David shared that the heart of the Christmas story is a problem of our heart. The Bible is clear that we are sinners, and our sin is a barrier to fellowship with God. But the good news is that God loves sinners so much that He would send His only Son to live the perfect life we could not live and to die the death we deserved in our place. How do you need to change your schedule this week to make more time for reflection on and thanksgiving for the beauty of the Gospel story in John 3:16?

  • God’s solution to our sin problem is His love that He has given to us as a gift. This gift is unconditional because it flows from the heart of God. You can’t earn this gift, but you can leave it “unopened.” Have you received God’s gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus? If you have, how can you celebrate your salvation in this Advent season?


• To view past sermons in this series, please click here.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24–26

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