Homewood Helps is a partnership between Homewood City Schools and the Homewood community to ensure every student in our school system has their own bed to sleep on and is not dealing with food insecurity.

The Mission of Homewood City schools is to educate and empower all students to maximize their unique potential, and we realize that a good night of sleep and food access are vital to the success of our students in the classroom.  Our hope with this program is to ensure that every student in Homewood City Schools has a bed of their own to sleep on each night and access to enough food outside of school. We accomplish these goals with the support of our amazing Homewood community.

How you can get involved:


It costs $10 per student each week to help ensure that students have food in their homes.


Sample Food Bag

Chicken Alfredo (microwavable meal)

Mac & cheese (microwavable)

Apple Sauce

Chicken Salad Kit

Yogurt & Granola (shelf stable)

Green Beans


We need your help to ensure that we can continue this program for all the students in need.  One of the most helpful ways you can support a student is through donating money to the mission.  Your donation will help ensure that the program can continue.  Your donation is tax-deductible and can be made here.



Another way you can get involved is by being a Homewood Helps volunteer.


Help us pack our food bags.  We need 10 volunteers each week to help us pack our bags with all the food items for each student.  This usually takes 1-2 hours and takes place at Trinity West Homewood’s Outreach Hub. Address: 914 Oak Grove Road. If you would be willing to volunteer, please click the link below:

Volunteer Now!


Visit the Website

Opportunity Details

  • Category

    Local Missions
  • When

  • Recurrence

  • Leader