Are you looking for a way for you to impact our community directly? STAIR (Start The Adventure In Reading) would love to partner with you in serving students from one of the 12 Birmingham City Schools we serve. We are in need of volunteers to serve as reading tutors who will work one-on-one with a 1st or 2nd grade student. Tutors are asked to volunteer one or two days a week for one hour after school and to either commit to a semester (10 weeks) or a full school year (20 weeks). 

Our user-friendly curriculum and assessment program is specifically designed to support our students on their literacy journey.  For 23 years, STAIR has been on a mission to increase the reading skills and self-esteem of Birmingham elementary school students. Reading on grade level by the third grade is the single greatest predictor of high school graduation and career success. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 Birmingham students need extra support on their literacy journey; much work must be done. However, through one-on-one tutoring at STAIR, students typically double their reading scores after participating in the program.

Because tutors are paired with the same child for the school semester, your members would have the opportunity to invest in the life of the same student week after week. There’s no outside prep work, and STAIR provides an orientation for all volunteers to train them in utilizing the curriculum.Volunteers don't have to have any education or tutoring experience. To sign up, visit

Currently, our sites at Tuggle K-5, Hemphill, I3, and mostly at Sun Valley need the most tutors. 

Visit our website for more information.

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    Local Missions
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