24 Hours 4 Him: GOOD FATHER
24 Hours 4 Him is dedicated to Bible study, worship, games, and interactive learning activities. For 24 Hours 4 Him, we take a different theme and center the whole 24 Hours around making that Bible Truth a part of each 1st-5th grader’s everyday life.
Children MUST choose to be a part of ALL 24 Hours of this event. NO arriving late or leaving early for extracurricular activities. Please discuss this with them and help us commit to the whole 24 Hours. It will be worth it! Children uneasy about spending the night can be picked up at bedtime and brought back for breakfast.
This weekend begins at 6p.m., February 22, and ends at 6p.m. on February 23 . (YES, children will sleep!)
Early Bird (ends January 27th) cost is $50
After January 27th cost is $75
This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 02/13/2019.