
February 26, 2023  

EXODUS: Glory 

Exodus 33:7–11; 34:28–35

This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from the book of Exodus with a look at God’s glory. He reminded us that:

1.   God’s Goodness Is Revealed In His Glory

2.   God’s Character Is Revealed In His Name 

  • Our God Is Merciful And Gracious 
  • Our God Is Patient, Loving, And Faithful 
  • Our God Is Forgiving And Just 


  • In Exodus 33:18, Moses asks God to show him His glory. What is Moses concerned about when he makes this request? Why couldn’t God grant this request fully? Explain. 
  • When God gave Moses the second copy of the law, He also shared His name, a revelation of His character, with him. Which attribute(s) of God’s character resonates with you most in your current circumstances? Describe. 
  • Pastor David shared that God’s grace is not a 50/50 split between us and Him. Rather, it is 100% God’s favor on us. How are you encouraged by God’s constant grace toward you? 
  • God’s unfailing love (“hesed”) will never fail us and never run dry. It’s inexhaustible. How does this truth encourage you as you face your worries and anxiety?
  • Certainly, God is forgiving to those who confess their sin and repent. At the same time, He is just to those who reject His grace. How is God’s justice and love displayed in Jesus’ death on the cross? 

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The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

~2 Corinthians 13:14  





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