
February 5, 2023 

EXODUS: Tabernacle

Exodus 25:8–39

This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from the book of Exodus with a look at the Tabernacle. We looked at three elements of the Tabernacle:

  1. The Ark Of The Covenant: God’s Mercy Toward Us (25:10–22)
  2. The Table For The Bread: God’s Provision For Us (25:23–24; 30)
  3. The Golden Lamp Stand: God’s Light Before Us (25:31–32; 37–39)


  • The significance of the Tabernacle is that it is the reminder of God’s desire to dwell with His people. How does the Tabernacle described in Exodus point us to the living Tabernacle, Jesus Christ? Explain.
  • What does the Ark Of The Covenant represent in Exodus? How are you encouraged by God’s presence with you at all times?
  • How does Jesus’ proclamation that “I am the bread of life…” (John 6:35) remind us of God’s provision? How are your deepest needs met in your relationship with Jesus?
  • The golden lampstand is the symbol of God’s light, a light that is never extinguished. Jesus reminded us that our calling is to allow the light of God to shine through us. Are you pointing those around you to the light of Christ? How can you be more intentional about doing that this week?

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"The tabernacle is the only building ever constructed upon this earth which was perfect from its very beginning and outset in every detail, and never again needed attention, addition or alteration...God Himself was the architect, and it is probably the most comprehensive, detailed revelation of Jesus the Son of God, and the plan of salvation in the entire Old Testament."

~ M.R. DeHaan, The Tabernacle 

John 1:14

John 4:10

John 14:6

John 8:12

Matthew 5:14–16

The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

~2 Corinthians 13:14 




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