July 23, 2023

A Faith That Overflows

1 John 3:11–18

This week, Pastor David continued the series from 1 John with a look at how Christians are to be defined. He reminded us that:

Our Central Message Is Love, v.11

Our Central Command Is To Love, v. 16

  • His Sacrifice Proves His Love For Us
  • Our Service Displays Our Love For Him


  • Pastor David said that love is always a verb for believers and followers of Jesus. How do you define love? Describe how your definition compares to "the greatest commandment" in Matthew 22:36–40?
  • The greatest threat to loving others is our tendency to harbor anger, resentment, pettiness, and bitterness. What are some things lurking in your heart against others that spoil and grow? According to Matthew 5:43–44, how do we clean our hearts of these things? Who do you need to pray for this week?
  • Our motivation to love others is Christ's sacrificial death. What does the beautiful relationship between 1 John 3:16 and John 3:16 look like in your life? Describe.
  • While there may be acts of love that are cinematic in scope, love is most often displayed in everyday, mundane acts. Sacrificial love is the discipline of choosing to serve instead of traveling the road of selfishness. Who do you need to show sacrificial love to this week?


Genesis 4

Matthew 5:21–22

The Rise Of Christianity - Rodney Stark


The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 




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