
June 19, 2022

Sermon Title: Smyrna: The Suffering Church

ScriptureRevelation 2:8–11


This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from Revelation, looking specifically at the letters to the seven churches. In Jesus’ words to the church at Smyrna, we were reminded to:

  • Be Comforted By God's Presence In The Midst Of Your Trials
  • Be Comforted By God's Sovereignty In The Midst Of Your Trials
  • Be Comforted By God's Eternal Promise To The End Of Your Trials

Going Deeper:

  • Think of a time in your life when you have faced trials. Describe how God was present with you, even when the circumstances were difficult and painful.
  • Pastor David shared that the description of Jesus as “the First and the Last, who died and came back to life again” gives hope in every trial you may be facing. The cross and the resurrection at the center of every pile of rubble reminds us that death has no power over the follower of Jesus. How does this description of Jesus and His power over death encourage you?
  • Jesus promised a rich reward for every believer who remains steadfast in the face of suffering. How does the promised crown of life (being with Jesus eternally in Heaven) bring joy and peace to your mind? Is there someone in your life that needs to know this truth? How can you share with them in the coming weeks?
  • While there is much to celebrate and much to rejoice that is good on this earth, these verses remind us that it is not our home. In what ways have you experienced the sense that this world is not your final destination? How are you longing for your eternal home?

Psalm 34:18


  May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. 

~ Numbers 6:24–26





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