
March 12, 2023 

EXODUS: Priests

Exodus 39

This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from the book of Exodus with a look at the priestly garments. He showed us:

  • A Holy Attire: The Purpose Of The Priest's Clothing
  • A Surprising Twist: The Identity Of The Priest
  • A Beautiful Attire: The Description Of The Priest's Clothing
  • A Superior Priest: The Ministry Of Our Great High Priest


1. The attire of the priest ministering to the people of Israel was holy, beautiful and originally made for Aaron. In Exodus 39, we see, despite Aaron's sin, the God of second chances allows him to serve as the priest. When have you experienced God’s grace in giving you a second chance?

2. While we tend to “pause” ourselves at our best moments, Pastor David cautioned us not to pause others at their worse moments. Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive or give a second chance? How can you reach out to that person this week?

3. The beautiful pieces of the priest's garments (ephod, breastpiece, robe, and turban) were the same colors used in the tabernacle and were symbolic of the role of the High Priest on behalf of the people. What were the importance of these pieces in this point in redemption history?

4. Aaron and the rest of the priestly line were sinners who needed to make atonement for their personal sins as much as for the sins of the people. Everyone of us needs a priest, but we don’t need a human priest. Jesus does for us what the High Priest did for the people of Israel. When we trust Him, we receive a new wardrobe. How does this truth give you comfort and encouragement?

5. Jesus is our great High Priest who perfectly offers the sacrifice for our sins, brings us into God’s presence, and prays for what we need–He is the only one who ushers us into the presence of God. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we trade in our filthy rags for what don't deserve and can’t afford, God’s grace. In what ways are you trying to walk through your life wearing the clothes of your own goodness?


Hebrews 10:21–22

The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 





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