
March 26, 2023 

Remember, Follow, Invest 

2 Timothy 1:3–14 


This week, Jacob Pierce, Dawson’s Minister To Young Adults, challenged us to honor our spiritual legacies and pass those legacies on to others. We were reminded to: 


  1. Honor The Legacy Of Those Who Invested In Us By Affirming The Work & Gifting of God In One Another. 
  2. Follow The Sacrificial Way Of Jesus In The Face Of External & Internal Opposition To The Gospel Message. 
  3. Invest In Others By Passing Down Timeless Truth & Living Faith. 


  • Think about your own spiritual journey. Who are some of the people that invested in your faith and discipleship? 
  • What does it look like to “fan into flame” the gift of God? (vv. 6–7) Why is it important to do that? 
  • Faith in Christ will always cost something–finances, status and possibly life itself. How has your faith cost you? How are you encouraged by Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf? 
  • Are you willing to allow God to use you to invest and call out spiritual traits in those around you? How can you begin to do that this week? 


Hebrews 10:24 

Acts 13 

Acts 1:8 

John 13:35 

1 Corinthians 5