November 12, 2023

The Life Of David: All Hail The King

2 Samuel 2–5

This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series on The Life Of David with a look at David's ascension to the throne.


  • In the opening verses of 2 Samuel 3, David clearly disobeyed God by fathering six sons with six different wives. In the chapters to come, chaos and heartache reign in David’s family because of his disobedience. The Bible is clear that sin is always disruptive. How have you found this to be true in your own life?
  • Despite our tendency to be repulsed by our messes, God is not. Our messiness does not distract from His holiness. He isn’t afraid to work in and through the messiness of our humanity. What messy parts of your life do you try to hide from the Lord?
  • Pastor David shared that we have a comforting promise from God that He brings about His purposes through our mess. However, God does not promise that we will always know how He is working through our good, bad, and ugly. How could God be working though the issues in your life in ways you cannot see? What is the place in your life that you need to trust God despite your messiness?
  • Pastor David shared that God’s greatest good, our salvation through Jesus’ unjust arrest and brutal execution, came in spite of evil, not in the spirit of it. Because of that truth, is there anything that you can experience that God cannot ultimately redeem for your good and for His glory? Explain.


The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 




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