We hope that you will join us for one of our many group exercise classes here! Below are the class descriptions. Each of our classes are modified for each person’s abilities and needs, so come and try one out! We hope to see you soon! 

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19–20

We have several options for Group Exercise membership. Please click here for more information and to sign up. 

Current Class Schedule

Group Exercise Classes

Body Tune Up
Designed for senior adults and consisting of a warm-up, light strength training, stretching, and balance. Meets downstairs in ballet room.

This bootcamp class is a mix of cardio, strength, core, and intervals—all designed to work your full body. Expect to be challenged! Each class is a different style of workout from circuits to tabatas. Meets in group ex room.

A combo class with 30 minutes of bootcamp working your full body with a range of cardio and strength exercises, followed by a 30 minute stretch/mobility session. You will sweat more during stretching than during bootcamp!

Core/Mobility Class
This unique class will challenge your core and improve your joint mobility and range of motion. A low-impact class that will improve your posture, flexibility, and core stability.

A high intensity interval training class that mixes body weight exercises with cardio, core, and strength training. With short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity intervals, this class is never boring and utilizes the entire body with a variety of exercises that change every week. Meets in group ex room.

Stretching and strengthening for the body combined with heart renewing through Scripture. This class will be taught at an intermediate level with options for modifications and progressions. Meets downstairs in Room 24. 

Improve your core strength and stability through proper alignment and breathing with this mat pilates class. You will challenge muscles in a new way and gain strength in your core.

Beginner to Advanced
Endurance strength training class utilizing free weights, bands, stability balls, and body weight. Each class works your full body in different and challenging ways. Meets in group ex room.

Strength 6 am
Beginner to Advanced
A traditional weight training workout utilizing free weights, bars, cables, and trx bands. Meets upstairs in the weight room.

A mind and body class geared toward improved strength, flexibility, mobility, breath awareness, and stress relief. This yoga class will be a mixture of vinyasa (flowing and moving with breath) and Hatha (holding poses for longer). Meets downstairs in Room 24.


If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Heather Benoit, Fitness Director, at (205) 879-1758 or